Knowing the Kate
behind Kronic Kate


My name is Kate and I am thrilled to welcome you to my website!

With a undergrad in sociology and professional experience with insurance, and healthcare, I come in to offer you a behind the scenes look at health care and how you interact with it! I have a passion for understanding and studying the way society and healthcare interact, and you my dear potential client are at the heart of that equation.

A woman with brown hair is in focus amongst a busy street of people.

If when you got to a doctor or contact your insurance, you feel like the woman above you are not alone.

In the United States, 52% of people with health insurance are “healthcare illiterate” meaning they have little to no understanding of their benefits and services available to them. Without understanding your benefits, often access becomes an issue to even those fully ensured! Fear not! This is where Kronic Kate comes in to customize a plan to help raise your education of your benefits and create a plan to move forward to improve your access.

Just take a look at some of the things we can accomplish together:

  • Understand how your role in your community and society may impact your health and your ability to access healthcare services.

  • Learn about the diagnostic techniques and tools that doctors use and how to leverage that knowledge on your own diagnostic journey.

  • Track Symptoms and Trends to better understand the complex nature of your chronic conditions so that triggers and other health insights can be discovered by you and your medical team.

  • Create a customized plan and organized file of your critical health information through the MEGA resource pack created by Kronic Kate based on her experiences of navigating health documents and increasing health literacy.

Have you wished for something that you haven’t found on the site? Kronic Kate would love to hear about that so please feel free to share your thoughts with us through our Contact Us page so that we can assist you with developing or finding the right resource(s) for your needs, even if its not with us!

If you want health freedom, knowing where to start is the first step. Take the first step with Kronic Kate